Alberta Rebate & Grant Resources
Maximize Your Savings with Solar Incentives
Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP):
It covers repairs, adaptations, and renovations including energy efficiency improvements. Eligible seniors can apply for a low-interest home equity loan with the Government of Alberta
Banff Solar Rebate
The town of Banff is encouraging residents to install solar systems to contribute to the clean and renewable electricity. Both residential and commercial systems will be able to apply the solar PV rebate.
Medicine Hat New Homes Incentive Program
The program is designed to foster the development of energy-efficient homes, this initiative also highlights the advantages of incorporating solar PV installations.
Sturgeon County:
Solar Power Production Incentive
The benefit period can last up to 10 years, providing an exemption of up to 80% on the yearly property tax increases.
Alberta Municipal Solar Program Round 3
(expected to launch in 2024)
Funding will be available on a first-come first-served basis for new solar PV systems installed on municipally-owned facilities or land. Stay with us to get the latest update on the program.